Democracy and Peacebuilding
The goal of this program is to advocate for and promote human rights, peace, justice and the rule of law in local communities. SOPISDEW through the Democracy and Peace building program aims at integrating the fundamental principles of human rights, peace and the rule of law in her actions and also promote these principles locally and globally by working with communities, local government and other institutions to support an open civic space for community dialogue.
The following projects and activities are ongoing
- We are operating a Peacebuilder Makerspace which serves as a hub for countering violent extremism online and offline through creative approaches. This hub is operating with support from the r0g Agency for Open Culture and Critical Transformation within the framework of the Defyhatenow Cameroon Project.
- Promoting human rights such as right to education, protection, gender equality etc. through advocacy and breaking barriers to human rights
- Implementing peace education and peace building through integration of non-formal learning activities to educate children on peace building, involving peace building components in projects and also organizing capacity building workshops on peace building.
- Promoting citizenship and civic engagement especially for youths and women to facilitate their involvement in public policies and active participation in building their communities.
- Advocating for and promoting human values, human dignity and humanitarian principles in all projects and interventions in communities.
- Engaging the conservation of indigenous knowledge and practices, indigenous rights and the concept of glocalization (think global and act local).
- Promoting good governance, conflict management and social cohesion in the social reforms and development processes of all communities mainly through community participation, gender mainstreaming, inclusion of indigenous minority groups and inclusion of persons with disabilities.
- Offering paralegal support to the vulnerable populations.
- Assisting CSOs in the design of policies that promote inclusion, good governance, social protection etc.