Protection and Social Welfare
The goal of this program is to mitigate gender issues, offer protection and promote social inclusion for vulnerable persons. SOPISDEW through the protection and welfare program aims at promoting and protecting the rights of children, women and vulnerable persons by including and integrating them generally in community development processes particular to them and specifically in all her interventions. We mainstream issues related to gender, disability and inclusion as a crosscutting issues in project design and implementation. We equally design and implement specific interventions based on the needs of community members needing protection and social welfare services.
The following projects and activities are ongoing
- Engaging children, women and Persons Living with Disabilities (PLWDs) to participate in their development, integration rehabilitation processes in crisis and recovery contexts.
- Providing psychosocial support to persons in distress
- Advocacy, communication and outreach activities against Gender Based Violence (GBV) and Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA).
- Promoting children’s rights through child protection and education.
- Advocating for and promoting gender equality by empowering more women and girls socioeconomically.
- Offering humanitarian aid to vulnerable and less privileged persons
- Advocating for and promoting the rights of Persons Living with disabilities (PLWDs) by implementing inclusive projects
- Providing scholarships to support vulnerable children go to school
- Providing nutritional support to vulnerable school going children